

Terms of Service

  Additional Terms and Conditions Notwithstanding the foregoing terms, wherever there is a conflict between the foregoing terms and the terms of any admissions agreement, service agreement or other separate agreement that is specific to a client or patient, the…

Terms of Service

Additional Terms and Conditions Limitation of Liability Not withstanding the foregoing, IF, DESPITE THE LIMITATION ABOVE, A Servant’s Heart Web Design and Marketing IS FOUND LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE WHICH ARISES OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED…

The HAI WATCHDOG* Community

We have previously written about the risks of “HAIs” (Healthcare Acquired Infections) and we have pointed out the resources available on the web regarding that topic, including How to Prevent Health Care Associated Infections. Kimberly-Clark has created a new “community”…

Keep that Stethoscope Away From Me

Home Caregivers near Del Mar Point out Simple Infection Risks Seniors, their families, and their home caregivers near Del Mar have a valid but counter-intuitive worry about going to the hospital: they could get sick during their stay. There are…

Helping Seniors Manage Arthritis Pain

Diagnosing Arthritis in Seniors Perhaps one of the most painful accompaniments of aging is the development of arthritis. Almost half of seniors over the age of 65 have some form of chronic arthritis, making it difficult to perform daily tasks or…

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