Pathways Staff

Pathways Staff

A Broken Heart and the Will to Live

Losing someone you love can feel like the end of the world. You may feel as if your heart is actually breaking. Generally, “heartbreak” refers to an emotional state that people attribute to the physical symptoms of being broken-hearted. But…

End of Life Options Act – Medical Aid in Dying

END OF LIFE OPTIONS ACT—MEDICAL AID IN DYING – PATHWAYS POLICY AND PROCEDURES: {All California Hospices are required by the revised law, CA-SB380 Medical Aid-in-Dying, to post prominently their policy regarding Aid-In-Dying} Pathways participates fully in discussions of medical aid…

Sleep Quality And Hospice Care

With Sleep Awareness Week coming up March 14th through the 20th, it’s a good opportunity to discuss the importance of high-quality sleep for people in hospice in San Francisco and elsewhere. Because so many people in hospice are elderly patients suffering from dementia, quality…

Navigating Care For Cancer Patients

Friday, February 4 was World Cancer Day, an international day designed to raise awareness of cancer and promote its prevention, detection, and treatment. Many of our hospice patients in Alameda County and elsewhere are suffering from terminal cancer. Comfort and…

Eye Care For the End of Life Patient

Many patients in end-of-life care in Santa Clara and elsewhere suffer from eye conditions and diseases. With National Glaucoma Awareness Month upon us, we thought it would be fitting to talk about glaucoma and other conditions such as cataracts that…